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Melatonin is to sleep, what cortisol is to insomnia

Sunlight, especially in the morning, can help to regulate the production of two important hormones: cortisol and melatonin

Sunlight, or blue spectrum light, is necessary for good health and well-being. Sunlight has the ability to regulate hormone profiles and align our physiology with our natural circadian rhythms, which is one of its primary benefits. These are the internal processes that regulate our sleep-wake cycle as well as other physiological processes like metabolism and immune function.


Sunlight, especially in the morning, can help to regulate the production of two important hormones: cortisol and melatonin.

Take 1: Cortisol

Cortisol is a stress hormone that aids in the regulation of our energy and metabolism. It is produced in greater quantities in the morning to help us wake up and begin our day. Morning sunlight exposure can help to regulate cortisol levels and improve energy and mood.

Take 2: Melatonin

Melatonin, on the other hand, is a hormone that aids in the regulation of our sleep-wake cycle. It is produced in greater quantities at night, when it aids in signalling to our bodies that it is time to sleep. Morning exposure to sunlight can help to suppress the production of melatonin, making it easier to wake up and stay awake during the day.

Take 3: Circadian Rhythms

Exposure to sunlight in the morning, in addition to regulating hormone levels, can help to align our bodies’ physiology with our natural circadian rhythms. When our bodies are in sync with these rhythms, we feel more energized and alert during the day and sleep better at night. This is because our body’s natural rhythms are synchronized with the patterns of light and darkness in the environment.


To get the most out of sunlight, it is best to look at it directly rather than through a window or screen. Going outside and exposing your skin to the sun’s rays is one option, as is using a light therapy lamp that emits blue light. It is also critical to get enough sunlight each day without getting sunburned.

In conclusion, exposure to sunlight in the morning is beneficial to both sleep and health. It aids in the regulation of hormone levels and the alignment of our bodies’ physiology with our natural circadian rhythms, which can improve our energy, mood, and sleep. You can help to support your overall well-being and improve your quality of life by getting enough sunlight each day.

For more advice on this, check out our genetic and metabolic optimization approach. 




Chen, R.J. et al. (2017)

Autophagy-inducing effect of pterostilbene: A prospective therapeutic/preventive option for skin diseases, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 25(1), pp. 125–133.

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