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YES to NO – bloody love

Nitric oxide is made in the body from the amino acid L-arginine by the NOS (Nitric Oxide Synthase) enzyme that exists in three different isoforms.

Say what? This is not a philosophical manifesto, but rather a disguised summary of a miracle chemical molecule and our latest product that works in conjunction with it: Nitric Oxide and YES to Nitric Oxide (NO). Clear now?

Introducing Nitric Oxide

Nitric Oxide is one of the simplest molecules in biology comprised of just two atoms, one of Nitrogen and one of Oxygen. It is however regarded as one of the most significant molecules in the body. It acts primarily as a vasodilator, with obvious benefits to the circulatory system, by reducing blood pressure, increasing the flow of nutrients, as well as the removal of waste products to and from muscle and organs.

While it is known primarily for its cardiovascular benefits, such as reduced hypertension, nitric oxide is currently being studied for its benefits as a signalling molecule, as a critical antiviral of the immune system and as a regulator of pulmonary function.


Nitric oxide is made in the body from the amino acid L-arginine by the NOS (Nitric Oxide Synthase) enzyme that exists in three different isoforms. But we won’t get into that rabbit hole now.

Introducing Yes to NO (Nitric Oxide)

Given the crucial importance of this molecule and its applicability in situations of increased blood flow, such as sustained physical activity (coupled with reduced blood pressure), we developed YES to NO, our Nitric Oxide liquid meal booster.


On a base of yam, oats, coconut flakes, pea protein and coconut oil, each of the ingredients that goes into YES to NO supports Nitric Oxide production by the body: beetroot, spinach, pomegranate and hazelnuts. To take things to the next level we are also adding a hefty amount of cocoa, as well as L-arginine, L-citrulline, hawthorn and gotu kola, all known to support your body to produce more Nitric Oxide.

And just to be on the kinky side of things, we’re topping everything up with green tea, a splash of red wine and a dash of chilli. Is your brain vasodilated enough yet? Well, just let it flow now..






Chen, R.J. et al. (2017)

Autophagy-inducing effect of pterostilbene: A prospective therapeutic/preventive option for skin diseases, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 25(1), pp. 125–133.

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