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Hypo to Hyper – Thyroid Stories

Thyroid hormone metabolism can be impacted by iodine-related genes, such as TPO

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The thyroid hormones are necessary to keep the human body’s metabolism running smoothly. Thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are the two primary classes of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland produces T4, which is then mostly transformed into T3, the hormone’s active form, by the liver and other tissues. Both of these hormones are essential for a variety of physical processes, such as controlling body temperature and heart rate as well as maintaining healthy brain growth and function.


A thyroid hormone production imbalance can result in a range of health issues: hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, can result in fatigue, weight gain, depression, and even heart-related problems; hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, on the other hand, can result in weight loss, anxiety, and tremors.

In order to move about the body, the thyroid hormones work with a protein called thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG). Certain drugs and medical circumstances, like estrogen and pregnancy, might change the quantity of thyroid hormones available to the body’s tissues, which can have an impact on TBG levels.

Genetic thyroid predispositions

There are a number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or genetic predispositions that can affect the amounts and effects of thyroid hormones in the human body. The binding and activation of thyroid hormones, for instance, can be impacted by certain SNPs in the genes encoding TBG and the thyroid hormone receptors, whereas thyroid hormone metabolism can be impacted by iodine-related genes, such as TPO.

There are a number of things you may do to address these inherited predispositions and enhance thyroid hormone function. It is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes frequent exercise and stress reduction, as well as a healthy diet. There are some foods that can support healthy thyroid function, including those high in iodine (like seaweed and fish) and selenium (like Brazil nuts and tuna).


Additionally, supplements such as probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids may also be beneficial for thyroid health. What exactly and in what amounts you may be wondering? Well, this is what we are here for: in our genetic and metabolic optimization approach, we usually tackle metabolism once we have inflammation, antioxidants and detox in check, but the approach varies on a case by case basis. Reach out and we will customize an ideal approach for you, so your metabolism is as stellar as it can be.




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