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Personalised Nutrition Tailored to Your DNA

Genetics form the foundation for personalised nutrition, which we continuously refine with real-time data from health trackers to provide the most customised advice

Get a genetic test now to unlock unique insights from your DNA and receive the best nutrition guidance

How does it work?

Genetic differences influence the way our bodies work and how we respond to nutrition



Genetic differences influence the way our bodies work and how we respond to nutrition

Choosing customised nutrients can make your metabolism more efficient & help achieve your goals



Choosing customised nutrients can make your metabolism more efficient & help achieve your goals 

Is my data confidential?

Yes, your data is securely stored in our nutrigenetic analysis software and is not available to any other person except yourself and your practitioner

Is it difficult to take the test?

Not really. You simply have to produce a reasonable amount of saliva within 30 minutes. More detailed instructions and tips are provided within the test kit instructions. There is also a buccal swab test option available, which could be ordered instead. Get in touch if you are concerned about this, but in general it should not be a problem

How and where do I ship it?

Use your preferred courier or the national postal services for a cheaper shipment rate (tip: to avoid any regulatory hassle, if asked, just say you are shipping a personal item, like a souvenir). You need to ship the test vial to our partner laboratory in the United States. The exact address is provided within the test kit instructions

How long does it take until I get my results?

It usually takes a maximum of 6 to 8 weeks to sequence your genetic data, depending on the volume of kits handled by the laboratory at any one time. Add to that a few more weeks for data analysis and interpretation and then you will get your (first) report and we can have our (first) catch-up

What additional data do you need?

Depending on your actual health status, concern and financial resources, we could decide to go for a battery of additional metabolic tests (organic acids, hormones, microbiome, toxicity etc), irrespective of the package chosen. The more data we have, the more accurate the recommendations we can provide. We will aim to strike an optimal cost-benefit ratio that you will finally decide on

What if I have additional questions on the recommendations?

We will be in touch over e-mail for the entire period of our coaching interaction. Just shoot us a note to [email protected] and we will get back to you with an answer

What comes next?

The goal is for you to become self-sustainable with respect to your health management both dietarily and from other perspectives as you shall learn from our interactions. However, we also have a large support network of practitioners that could guide you and that you could continue working with to address any more challenging aspects of your health optimization journey. We will gladly put you in touch with them and NutriFix is always just an appointment away. On top of that, for those interested, we can provide access to a dietary management tool through which you can achieve total nutrigenomic and nutrigenetic independence (and yes there is a difference between these two terms)


Data Analysis


Contextual Interpretation


Report Generation


1-on-1 Guidance


Sample Collection


Data Analysis




Report Generation


1-on-1 Guidance



What do we do exactly?

We employ a functional medicine 3.0 approach optimizing your biochemistry & going after the root cause of chronic disease

Play Video

Our genetic optimization approach addresses a few areas sequentially, most often starting with inflammation, as the body needs a strong un-inflamed baseline to further optimize & build on.

Next, we tend to look at antioxidants & detoxification pathways, including autophagy, so that residual toxins are removed and continuously incoming ones are handled properly by the body.

Finally, we are ready to tackle your metabolism, looking at digestive, cognitive & cardiovascular functions, and supporting (mitochondrial) energy production and hormonal pathways.

We also consider metabolomics by looking at hormonal, microbiomal & macromolecule-derived metabolites. We prefer testing done via Direct Labs and Viome, but can work with your preferred testing provider.

At the end, we also cherry pick your most variated genes, and fine tune your genetics to the most sophisticated level of detail. Read this article and/or watch this video for a detailed explanation of the entire process.

However, no two clients are the same, so our approach follows the most urgent enzymatic needs; we may very well start off our optimization journey with addressing your cardiovascular function foremost.

Our genetic optimization approach addresses a few areas sequentially, most often starting with inflammation, as the body needs a strong un-inflamed baseline to further optimize and build on.

What can you do with this info?

Eat and supplement right


Manage environment to your advantage

Optimal Health and Longevity based on Genetic Optimization

Enhance your physiology

Stacked zen stones sand background art of balance concept

Align your homeostasis to circadian rhythms

Our upcoming diet optimization tool will integrate all this with commercial glucose, ketones, sleep and activity data trackers to give you optimal dietary recommendation each and every moment

How does it all tie together?

Enter your e-mail for a free exploratory eBrochure on our genetic optimization framework

Is it complex?

We’re breaking down the basic genetic ABC for you

Is it expensive?

It is as expensive as you make it. Good value for money options available

Need help?

We work with a network of specialists that can guide you through the process

Coaching optimization options

For those of you in need of in person guidance, we offer a limited number of 1-on-1 coaching plans based on a detailed analysis of 830+ key genes related to inflammation, antioxidants & longevity, detox & autophagy, and overall metabolism

Extra Info
  • After you place your order, we send you the genetic test kit
  • In the meantime, look for an e-mail from [email protected] with instructions on how to register on our Functional Genomic Analysis platform
  • You receive the kit, register it on our platform (you need to have previously registered your account on our platform – see point above), provide a saliva sample and ship it (at your own expense) to the lab
  • Use your preferred courier or the national postal services for a cheaper shipment rate (tip: to avoid any regulatory hassle, if asked, just say you are shipping a personal item, like a souvenir)
  • After shipping the kit, you finish setting up your account on our platform, answer our questionnaires and when results are ready, we run the interpretation and generate your nutrigenetic report
  • We then have our consultation session where we explain everything
  • You end up living longer, better and happier
Extra Info
  • After you place your order, we send you the genetic test kit
  • In the meantime, look for an e-mail from [email protected] with instructions on how to register on our Functional Genomic Analysis platform
  • You receive the kit, register it on our platform (you need to have previously registered your account on our platform – see point above), provide a saliva sample and ship it (at your own expense) to the lab
  • Use your preferred courier or the national postal services for a cheaper shipment rate (tip: to avoid any regulatory hassle, if asked, just say you are shipping a personal item, like a souvenir)
  • After shipping the kit, you finish setting up your account on our platform, answer our questionnaires and maybe take additional metabolic tests (organic acids, hormones, microbiome, toxicity etc – see details below) depending on agreed prioritization. Note: these additional tests bear a separate cost to be discussed
  • When results are ready, we run the interpretation, alongside the results of any additional tests you may have taken or already have, and generate your nutrigenetic report
  • We have our 1st consultation session where we go through our homeostatic coaching framework setting up a dietary and lifestyle basis
  • You go ahead with implementing these adjustments and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our 2nd consultation session, where we continue with priority dietary and lifestyle adjustments
  • You go ahead with implementing the complete homeostatic adjustments we agree on and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our in-depth genetic assessment and feedback on any changes you have observed in the meantime (3rd consultation session). Note: depending on your budget and interest, we may decide to retake some metabolic tests for a more rigorous assessment of physiological changes that may have occurred in the meantime
  • You go ahead with fine-tunning your daily practices based on our in-depth assessment and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our 4th and final consultation session. Here we set up a long-term plan for you to follow and provide you with the necessary tools to manage your diet going forward
  • You end up living longer, better and happier
  • Final note: We will be available over e-mail throughout the process to answer any questions that may arise

Note on how to order tests

Depending on the protocol we agree on, you may decide ordering additional tests:

  • for a microbiome test from Viome, simply click on this link ( and purchase either the Health Intelligence or the Gut Intelligence test. Here are the lists of countries where these tests can be currently shipped to:
  • for other tests, simply click on this link (, register an account and click Order Test:
    • for hormones, purchase the DUTCH Complete test
    • for metabolites, purchase the Metabolomix test, alongside the Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids add-on
    • for minerals and heavy metals, purchase the Hair Toxic and Essential Elements test

Once you proceed to checkout, a requisition is generated, which is required before going to Quest Diagnostics and finalising the purchase. When the results are available, log into your Direct Labs account, click on the HIPAA Release form and put in the recipients information the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Extra Info
  • After you place your order, we send you the genetic test kit
  • In the meantime, look for an e-mail from [email protected] with instructions on how to register on our Functional Genomic Analysis platform
  • You receive the kit, register it on our platform (you need to have previously registered your account on our platform – see point above), provide a saliva sample and ship it (at your own expense) to the lab
  • Use your preferred courier or the national postal services for a cheaper shipment rate (tip: to avoid any regulatory hassle, if asked, just say you are shipping a personal item, like a souvenir)
  • After shipping the kit, you finish setting up your account on our platform, answer our questionnaires and maybe take additional metabolic tests (organic acids, hormones, microbiome, toxicity etc – see details below) depending on agreed prioritization. Note: these additional tests bear a separate cost to be discussed
  • When results are ready, we run the interpretation, alongside the results of any additional tests you may have taken or already have, and generate your nutrigenetic report
  • We have our 1st consultation session where we go through our homeostatic coaching framework setting up a dietary and lifestyle basis
  • You go ahead with implementing these adjustments and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our 2nd consultation session, where we continue with priority dietary and lifestyle adjustments
  • You go ahead with implementing the complete homeostatic adjustments we agree on and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our in-depth genetic assessment and feedback on any changes you have observed in the meantime (3rd consultation session). Note: depending on your budget and interest, we may decide to retake some metabolic tests for a more rigorous assessment of physiological changes that may have occurred in the meantime
  • You go ahead with fine-tunning your daily practices based on our in-depth assessment and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our 4th and final consultation session. Here we set up a long-term plan for you to follow and provide you with the necessary tools to manage your diet going forward
  • You end up living longer, better and happier
  • Final note: We will be available over e-mail throughout the process to answer any questions that may arise

Note on how to order tests

Depending on the protocol we agree on, you may decide ordering additional tests:

  • for a microbiome test from Viome, simply click on this link ( and purchase either the Health Intelligence or the Gut Intelligence test. Here are the lists of countries where these tests can be currently shipped to:
  • for other tests, simply click on this link (, register an account and click Order Test:
    • for hormones, purchase the DUTCH Complete test
    • for metabolites, purchase the Metabolomix test, alongside the Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids add-on
    • for minerals and heavy metals, purchase the Hair Toxic and Essential Elements test

Once you proceed to checkout, a requisition is generated, which is required before going to Quest Diagnostics and finalising the purchase. When the results are available, log into your Direct Labs account, click on the HIPAA Release form and put in the recipients information the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Extra Info
  • After you place your order, we send you the genetic test kit
  • In the meantime, look for an e-mail from [email protected] with instructions on how to register on our Functional Genomic Analysis platform
  • You receive the kit, register it on our platform (you need to have previously registered your account on our platform – see point above), provide a saliva sample and ship it (at your own expense) to the lab
  • Use your preferred courier or the national postal services for a cheaper shipment rate (tip: to avoid any regulatory hassle, if asked, just say you are shipping a personal item, like a souvenir)
  • After shipping the kit, you finish setting up your account on our platform, answer our questionnaires and when results are ready, we run the interpretation and generate your nutrigenetic report
  • We then have our consultation session where we explain everything
  • You end up living longer, better and happier
Extra Info
  • After you place your order, we send you the genetic test kit
  • In the meantime, look for an e-mail from [email protected] with instructions on how to register on our Functional Genomic Analysis platform
  • You receive the kit, register it on our platform (you need to have previously registered your account on our platform – see point above), provide a saliva sample and ship it (at your own expense) to the lab
  • Use your preferred courier or the national postal services for a cheaper shipment rate (tip: to avoid any regulatory hassle, if asked, just say you are shipping a personal item, like a souvenir)
  • After shipping the kit, you finish setting up your account on our platform, answer our questionnaires and when results are ready, we run the interpretation and generate your nutrigenetic report
  • We then have our consultation session where we explain everything
  • You end up living longer, better and happier
Extra Info
  • After you place your order, we send you the genetic test kit
  • In the meantime, look for an e-mail from [email protected] with instructions on how to register on our Functional Genomic Analysis platform
  • You receive the kit, register it on our platform (you need to have previously registered your account on our platform – see point above), provide a saliva sample and ship it (at your own expense) to the lab
  • Use your preferred courier or the national postal services for a cheaper shipment rate (tip: to avoid any regulatory hassle, if asked, just say you are shipping a personal item, like a souvenir)
  • After shipping the kit, you finish setting up your account on our platform, answer our questionnaires and maybe take additional metabolic tests (organic acids, hormones, microbiome, toxicity etc) depending on agreed prioritization. Note: these additional tests bear a separate cost to be discussed
  • When results are ready, we run the interpretation, alongside the results of any additional tests you may have taken or already have, and generate your nutrigenetic report
  • We have our 1st consultation session where we go through priority dietary and lifestyle adjustments
  • You go ahead with implementing these adjustments and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our 2nd consultation session, where we go through our complete homeostatic coaching framework
  • You go ahead with implementing the homeostatic adjustments we agree on and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our in-depth genetic assessment and feedback on any changes you have observed in the meantime (3rd consultation session). Note: depending on your budget and interest, we may decide to retake some metabolic tests for a more rigorous assessment of physiological changes that may have occurred in the meantime
  • You go ahead with fine-tunning your daily practices based on our in-depth assessment and in 3-4 months we catch-up again for our 4th and final consultation session. Here we set up a long-term plan for you to follow
  • You end up living longer, better and happier
  • Final note: We will be available over e-mail throughout the process to answer any questions that may arise

Note on how to order tests

Depending on the protocol we agree on, you may decide ordering additional tests:

  • for a microbiome test from Viome, simply click on this link ( and purchase either the Health Intelligence or the Gut Intelligence test. Here are the lists of countries where these tests can be currently shipped to:
  • for other tests, simply click on this link (, register an account and click Order Test:
    • for hormones, purchase the DUTCH Complete test
    • for metabolites, purchase the Metabolomix test, alongside the Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids add-on
    • for minerals and heavy metals, purchase the Hair Toxic and Essential Elements test

Once you proceed to checkout, a requisition is generated, which is required before going to Quest Diagnostics and finalising the purchase. When the results are available, log into your Direct Labs account, click on the HIPAA Release form and put in the recipients information the following e-mail address: [email protected]

top 10 report
  • Top 10 nutritional and lifestyle recommendations
  • 1x 60 minute Zoom recommendation and feedback session
All In Report
  • All key areas of nutritional and lifestyle recommendations
  • 4x 60 minute Zoom recommendation and feedback sessions
  • Guidance on your health optimization process

A higher upfront investment for a lower health lifetime cost! Installments payment options available

If you already have a DNA file

from any of the following providers: 23andMe (v3, v4, v5), Ancestry, SelfDecode or Opus..

..we can speed up the process and provide you with a 200€ discount, the cost of the genetic test kit.

Note: bear in mind that these providers offer an incomplete genetic sequencing, so we will have less data to advise you on. But it’s faster and cheaper

Happy Clients

or SEND US A MESSAGE with your questions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is my data confidential?

    Yes, your data is securely stored in our nutrigenetic analysis software and is not available to any other person except yourself and your practitioner

    Is it difficult to take the test?

    Not really. You simply have to produce a reasonable amount of saliva within 30 minutes. More detailed instructions and tips are provided within the test kit instructions. There is also a buccal swab test option available, which could be ordered instead. Get in touch if you are concerned about this, but in general it should not be a problem

    How and where do I ship it?

    Use your preferred courier or the national postal services for a cheaper shipment rate (tip: to avoid any regulatory hassle, if asked, just say you are shipping a personal item, like a souvenir). You need to ship the test vial to our partner laboratory in the United States. The exact address is provided within the test kit instructions

    How long does it take until I get my results?

    It usually takes a maximum of 6 to 8 weeks to sequence your genetic data, depending on the volume of kits handled by the laboratory at any one time. Add to that a few more weeks for data analysis and interpretation and then you will get your (first) report and we can have our (first) catch-up

    What additional data do you need?

    Depending on your actual health status, concern and financial resources, we could decide to go for a battery of additional metabolic tests (organic acids, hormones, microbiome, toxicity etc), irrespective of the package chosen. The more data we have, the more accurate the recommendations we can provide. We will aim to strike an optimal cost-benefit ratio that you will finally decide on

    Where do I answer the symptomatology questionnaires?

    We will send you a brief one via e-mail and then you will need to log in our platform to answer the more extensive questionnaire. For that, you will receive an e-mail from [email protected] asking you to register on the Functional Genomic Analysis platform. This e-mail will be sent to you once we set-up your account, which usually happens after you place your order and before the genetic test kits are dispatched

    What if I have additional questions on the recommendations?
    • We will be in touch over e-mail for the entire period of our coaching interaction. Just shoot us a note to [email protected] and we will get back to you with an answer
    What comes next?

    The goal is for you to become self-sustainable with respect to your health management both dietarily and from other perspectives as you shall learn from our interactions. However, we also have a large support network of practitioners that could guide you and that you could continue working with to address any more challenging aspects of your health optimization journey. We will gladly put you in touch with them and NutriFix is always just an appointment away. On top of that, for those interested, we can provide access to a dietary management tool through which you can achieve total nutrigenomic and nutrigenetic independence (and yes there is a difference between these two terms)

    Join us in optimizing health, wellbeing and longevity happily ever after!

    Founder's Note

    We all want to feel better and have bulletproof health. But if left alone, health keeps on degrading. And you don’t even feel it. Until one day when you realize your actual health status is far away from your memory of how it used to be.

    The goal at NutriFix is to stop this process and find best scientifically-backed & actionable levers to optimize health, wellbeing and longevity in each individual case. And they’re all different, hence our customization philosophy.

    Our clients feel stronger, happier, more efficient and more motivated. And they’re all lined up for a longer and better life. What about you? Ready to start your journey?