Fibre is Sharing
Soluble types of dietary fibre, such as β-glucan and guar gum decrease plasma cholesterol levels
Soluble types of dietary fibre, such as β-glucan and guar gum decrease plasma cholesterol levels
The FTO gene has been linked to an increased risk of obesity and has been shown to affect ghrelin levels
Psylocibin works by helping one immerse in the experience, whereas ketamine works from the opposite angle of disassociation from the experience
THC is mainly metabolized to 11-hydroxy-THC which is more potent than THC itself and is responsible for many of the effects of cannabis
Cortisol levels tend to be highest in the morning and lowest at night, following a natural circadian rhythm
Low levels of SHBG can lead to increased levels of androgens and estrogens in the body
Thyroid hormone metabolism can be impacted by iodine-related genes, such as TPO
Mycotoxins are substances made by fungi that are present in many foods, such as cereals, nuts, and spices
Sirtuins have been shown to have a variety of effects on aging and longevity and NAD+ is involved in the regulation of gene expression through the action of these enzymes
Pectin, found in high amounts in berries, is a fibre that slows down stomach emptying