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What the Coffee?

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When caffeine wears off, there is a sudden drop in energy levels as more receptors become available to the adenosine accumulated


BFR Training

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BFR training is also thought to enhance post-exercise muscle adaptations, such as increased muscle protein synthesis


Heat Shock Proteins

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HSPs have been demonstrated to defend against a variety of diseases, including cancer, neurological disorders, and cardiovascular disease


FOXO: the Insulin Controller

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FOXO3 activation extends lifespan in animal models, and has been suggested to be a potential target for interventions to promote healthy aging in humans


Sirtuins and Healthy Aging

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While SIRT7 has been implicated in the control of gene expression, SIRT6 has been implicated in the repair of DNA damage


NAD(H) & NADP(H), Your AntiOx Best Friends

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Sirtuins have been shown to have a variety of effects on aging and longevity and NAD+ is involved in the regulation of gene expression through the action of these enzymes


Antioxidants ARE Nrf2. Wait, What?

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Nrf2 is the master antioxidant regulator of the body and you need it to be top notch, for you to be protected against cellular oxidation