What the Coffee?
When caffeine wears off, there is a sudden drop in energy levels as more receptors become available to the adenosine accumulated
When caffeine wears off, there is a sudden drop in energy levels as more receptors become available to the adenosine accumulated
Soluble types of dietary fibre, such as β-glucan and guar gum decrease plasma cholesterol levels
Flashing red light in the eyes early in the day for 2-3 minutes can offset some of the degeneration by improving mitochondrial function in the photo receptors
HSPs have been demonstrated to defend against a variety of diseases, including cancer, neurological disorders, and cardiovascular disease
While SIRT7 has been implicated in the control of gene expression, SIRT6 has been implicated in the repair of DNA damage
One catalase enzyme can change 40 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen per second
EMF exposure may be also linked to an increase in interleukin 6 (IL-6), a pro-inflammatory cytokine
The NADPH steal results in less available NADPH to support Phase 1 Detox, produce Nitric Oxide and recycle critical antioxidants, such as Glutathione
SUOX is responsible for breaking down sulfites into sulfates, which are then eliminated from the body through urine
When oxygen is inhaled, it binds to the iron atom in the heme, allowing hemoglobin to transport it through the bloodstream to the tissues that need it